A spirit told me not to bother posting that Halloween is Monday because two jaunty gentlemen with great cars already did so.
Or maybe it was just gas. I'm not sure.
come on.....................don't be shy......................and do not fear ridicule.. jdw .
A spirit told me not to bother posting that Halloween is Monday because two jaunty gentlemen with great cars already did so.
Or maybe it was just gas. I'm not sure.
i know there's plenty.. one that comes to mind is the blood doctrine.
whole blood is bad, blood fractions may be ok but not all.....wtf?
"Independent Thinking" is a sin.
"it does not belong to man who is walking to direct his steps."
WTF? Bad enough they deny us freedom of thought, they also want to control our movements as well.
in the first case, it wasn't our choice to be born, so why should we be asked to be born again?.
why can't "god" figure that out himself.
It's all a metaphor. Just like God himself.
one of my witness family members agreed to take a look at crisis of conscience, and after.
perusing the first couple of chapters, said that she thought it could be all made up.
agreed that the documents presented could be legitimate, but as far as franz's personal.
Welcome iCeltic. It certainly is an eye-opener. It makes one sick to see behind the curtain the wizard is nothing but a group of paranoid and deluded old men.
It's awesome.
in case you haven't heard, the november 15, 2011 watchtower, page 5 made this comment.
"today, no servant of jehovah uses physical force against opponents of pureworship.
"vengeance is mine," god says.
found this tonight...anyone here close to the action that thinks its worth a go?.
q:how do i obtain a copy of the audio recording for a case that was heard?a:all proceedings of the magistrates court are recorded.
Is each defendant and charge considered a separate "case"? If so, you're talking $1925.00. If each defendent (with all its charges) is considered one "case" then you're talking $275.00. These are per day charges. So if you want the full set of recordings we've already had three days in court with at least one more to come and hopefully more.
We're running into serious money here.
Since people involved with the case can get the recordings for free, I think we would be better off hoping Mr. Unthank is one day willing to share them, or at least transcripts of them.
is it me or do i notice that all the weird and hateful cultish statements are now appearing in the 'study edition' washtowels?.
anointed are nuts - august 15, 2011 watchtower (the study edition) pg 22 qfr: memorial partakers.
this is the number.
Apostates of new religious movements are not any more "individually unique" than are the Witnesses. They are grouped together because of numerous common symptoms, behavioral traits, similar apostate narratives, the need to group together and feed off of each other's negative energy on sites such as this, ect.
You seen one true apostate Witness and you have pretty much seen them all.
Lets analyze the loaded Borg lingo in the troll's post, shall we?
First it responds to a comment about EXJWs with the label: Apostates. Then it mentiones some similarities between them, including symptoms (you know what symptoms are, signs of disease - mentally diseased in this case). Then it labels - without any evidence - the energy we share with each other as negative. Finally it repeats the loaded word apostate, setting up a typical true/false dichotomy, in its final sentence. The true/false dichotomy is a setup for the "no true Scotsman" fallacy that it no doubt will wish to use later when defending its statement.
We're alert to all the apologist troll tricks.
meanwhile, additional property acquired in nearby tuxedo, n.y.by linda collins.
so the move will likely be years away, according to devine.
meanwhile, additional property acquired in nearby tuxedo, n.y.by linda collins.
They have NO IDEA what the word "soon" means. Armageddon has been "soon" for over 100 years. Now their move to Warwick is "not any time soon."
They're both dumb AND liars.
a few weeks ago, i provided a critique of the october 1, 2011 watchtower article when was ancient jerusalem destroyed: part 1.. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/215458/1/critique-of-the-october-1-watchtower-articlewhen-was-ancient-jerusalem-destroyed.
i have produced a different critique of that same article.
while the earlier critique was designed to be printed, this version is designed to be viewed on a computer screen.
I've found pdf files using google. PDF has come a long way. For something like this research, I prefer something I can save to my drive and use for research later.